I. Registration
How do I open an account?
To open an account, you must download the Pago app on your phone from the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android).
The registration process goes through a few simple steps and doesn’t take longer than 3 minutes:
- Log in to your Pago account.
- Enter your phone number.
- Enter the 6-digit code that will come to you via SMS.
- Write the code to confirm that you are a user of that number.
- Fill in your data, such as first name, last name, e-mail, password, etc.
- Present a valid document of identification.
- Select your ID card or the passport issued by the state authorities.
- Wait for the scanning of one of the documents you selected and complete the verification by scanning your face.
- The data read from the card will be displayed in the next step.
- Confirm or change this data if the processor hasn’t read it correctly.
- Register a 4-digit PIN code, which will be used to confirm payments later.
- Account activated.
What documents are required for the registration of Albanian and Kosovo citizens?
Registration can only be done with an ID card or passport valid for individuals over 18 years old.
What documents are required for the registration of foreign citizens?
Registration is done with an ID card or passport valid in the respective state for individuals over 18 years old. After the initial process, you have to follow a secondary process for verifying your correct address, fiscal code, or income.
Why am I being asked to declare if I am a US citizen?
For all those citizens who are taxpayers in the USA, we must make the relevant declarations near the US state entities.
Is the document automatically verified?
No. The verification process needs to go through several steps:
- Verification of the document’s validity
- Face-matching of the person making the registration with that of the document
- Verification of information on both sides of the document
- Data integration
- Control in open sources
- Checking the lists declared by state entities in Albania or abroad for PEP persons or part of the list of names suspected of terrorism.
I am not receiving the initial verification code during registration.
Please verify that your mobile number is correct. If even after verification the code still doesn’t come, try pressing the “Resend Code” button.
How long does the registration process take?
We have tried to make the process as fast as possible and ensure that every person is verified within a day, but in certain cases (when additional documents are required), this verification may take longer.
It doesn’t allow me to set the password I want.
The password set must contain minimally 8 characters, from which you must choose:
- at least one uppercase letter
- At least one lowercase letter
- at least one number
- at least one punctuation mark
When each of the above conditions is met, you will be shown visually all the steps in green color.
Why do I need to give access to my phone’s camera and microphone during the registration process?
Since the verification process requires the user to be active and respond to requests at random for interaction (e.g., move your head, smile, approach the camera), access to the phone’s camera is necessary for this process to take place.
Also, to ensure that the person being recorded is completing the recording process of his own will without being pressured by other people present, access to the microphone is required. Remove these rights once you complete the registration process.
What happens if the process gets interrupted in the middle?
In case you have registered only the credentials without completing the upload of the document, you must scan your face and identification document, as well as set a PIN code. If you have scanned the document, you will need to confirm the data and enter the PIN code.
During the initial data registration, it doesn’t allow me to complete the process.
If you or someone else has previously registered with a phone number, you can’t reuse that number.
During the document verification, the process is interrupted.
Before verifying your identity document, you must ensure that the following conditions are met:
- You have a good internet connection on your mobile phone (5G or wireless).
- You are in a well-lit environment.
- That there is no direct reflection of a strong light on the document.
- The document is undamaged and legible (e.g., no stains or missing parts).
- The document has not expired.
- The document hasn’t been used previously to register a Pago account.
The data read from the document is not correct.
Since document scanning uses OCR technology, this means that in certain cases the translation of the visual image (scanned document) into text may have changes (e.g., the letter O can be read as D, H, and M, etc.)
In this case, you must correct the information in the next step by entering the correct data manually.
What is the PIN code required during registration?
The PIN code is a 4-digit code that is created by you and that no other person knows to enable increased transaction security. PIN code is required for all transactions with value greater than or equal to 2000 lek.
My account shows as inactive; why is this happening and how can I resolve it?
Cases when an account turns out to be inactive are:
- The identification document has expired and has not been updated.
- The account has been blocked by the compliance department.
- The account has gone into inactive status due to non-use.
In these cases, the user receives a notification (within Pago, email, or SMS) to complete the steps required for an account reactivation.
I received a confirmation that my account is active, but it’s still displayed as inactive inside the app.
In cases where you have received confirmation that the account has been activated, you must refresh the application using one of the following methods:
- Refreshing the main page (drop-down at the top of the screen).
- Exit the application (Configuration → Exit) and restore credentials.
- The closure of the application through the phone.
II. Payment
How can I send money to a friend?
- Scan the QR code generated by your friend within your Pago account, including the payment value and details (the QR button appears on the main page).
- Click on the search bar and look for your friend’s contact. Choose the friend you want to send money to. If your friend hasn’t installed Pago yet, you can invite them to join you by sending them an invitation. After the delivery details are displayed (beneficiary, sending account, status before and after delivery), enter the amount and a description.
- If the value is greater than or equal to 2000 lek, you must write the PIN code before confirmation.
How can I receive a payment?
- Create a QR code via the main button → Get Payment. After the payment details appear (amount, recipient account, balance before and after payment), enter the amount and a description.
- Use the QR code to be scanned directly by your friend; send it as an image or link via other applications (e.g., SMS or WhatsApp).
- The moment your friend opens the link sent by you, the payment details you have set are displayed directly on their account.
Why can’t I send money to one of my contacts?
- If your friend has installed Pago and it does not appear in the list of your contacts who are active in Pago, then your friend will have to make an update or refresh of its contact list (Buttons main → Refresh).
- If your friend has installed Pago but has not yet activated their account, they will have to wait for the verification process in order to proceed.
III. Incoming transfers
How can I top up my Pago account?
There are two ways to top up (recharge) your Pago account:
1. Through Debit/Credit Card
2. Through bank transfers.
The process is as follows:
- Top Up: via debit/credit card, provide the card details and enter the corresponding amount you want to deposit before the action is carried out.
- Bank Transfer: Select the relevant data of one of the accounts that Rubicon offers; the data will be displayed in the app. Get the account number and fill in the data to make the bank transfer from the bank you operate to Pago. (Include your Pago account number in the action description.)
I made a top-up with a card, but my account was not credited even though the money was taken from my card.
Usually, crediting the account with card deposits is immediate and performed automatically.
In any case, send us the references of your transaction from your card and the transaction data (date/time / amount / Pago account number/the bank data) so that we can carry out our verifications and speed up the process (
I made a top-up using a transfer from my bank account, but there is no credit even though the money was taken from my bank.
Since transferring money or depositing money using your bank account is a manual process and because it is processed by a second-level bank, this means that delays are to be expected.
In any case, send us the references of your outgoing transaction from your card and a few pieces of information about the action (date/time, amount, / Pago account number) in order to make all the verifications needed and speed up the process (to
Can I transfer money from outside Albania with my Pago IBAN?
For now, the Pago IBAN can only be used for national transfers. We hope that in the near future, when Albania is part of SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), you will be able to use IBAN Pago anywhere in Europe.
How much is the top-up commission?
- When the customer requests to top up his account via the Pago application using a debit/credit card, a commission equal to 3% of the top-up value will be held by Pago.
- When the customer requests to top up his Pago account through transfers from national or international banking, the commissions that the sending bank has for these types of transfers are applied.
- Rubicon Sh.a. does not cover transfer commissions that are applied by the sending bank, even in those banks where Rubicon Sh.a. owns accounts.
- The banks where Rubicon Sh.a. has accounts are FIBANK, TIRANA BANK, BKT, OTP, and Intesa Sanpaolo.
I want to add another card for a top-up.
To add a new card, click on the “Add new card” button in the “Deposit by card” section.
Why is the cardholder’s name required during the top-up process?
Cardholder name is required for security purposes.
I want to delete one of the cards I used during the top-up, but I can’t.
You cannot delete any of the cards you used if they are linked to one or more transfers and if they contain pieces of basic information about incoming funds.
Can I make a deposit via ATM?
At the moment, you cannot make a deposit via ATM. This functionality is expected to be implemented from our partners (second-level banks and other financial institutions).
I am trying to do a card top-up, but it gives me an error during the process.
– Check your debit/credit card balance.
– Check the card details, number, CVV code, and expiry date, and make sure you clearly provide the one-time use code that the issuing bank provides.
IV. Outbound Transfers
Can I withdraw from any ATM?
Yes, you can withdraw cash from any ATM that accepts Mastercard.
How much is the ATM withdrawal commission?
- Cash withdrawals at Pago network ATMs (up to 3 withdrawals per calendar month) are free of charge.
- Cash withdrawals in one of Pago’s network ATMs (from the fourth withdrawal or more in a calendar month): 50 lek commission.
- Cash withdrawal at Pago’s non-network ATM within the country: 100 lek for personal debit cards and 160 lek for business debit cards.
How much is the commission for outgoing transfers?
If the client wants to withdraw his/her electronic funds from Pago and transfer them to a bank account at a bank where Rubicon Sh.a. has an account, a fee of 200 lek will be applied, which will be charged to the client (plus any fee the bank may apply for in-bank transfers).
If the client wishes to transfer their funds from their Pago electronic account to a bank account at a bank where Rubicon Sh.a. does not hold an account, a fee of 200 lek will apply, plus the outgoing transfer fee charged by the sending bank. Both of these fees will be charged to the client.
Can I withdraw money in euros, although my account is in lek?
Yes, you can, but the exchange rate is determined by the bank that owns the ATM.
V. Utility payments
What utility payments can I make?
- Electricity Bill (OSHEE)
- SHUK (Water Supply and Sewerage Utility of Tirana, Durrës, Kavajë, Krujë, Rrogozhinë, Vlorë, Elbasan, Librazhd, Peqin, Belsh, Gramsh, Cërrik)
- Police (Fines)
- Digitalb
- Tring TV
- Vodafone (recharge & monthly bills)
- One recharge only.
- Digicom
How fast is a payment processed?
- All payments are processed in real time.
- There may be a delay of up to 60 seconds while awaiting third-party confirmation.
- If the confirmation is not received, the payment will be refunded.
How to search for invoices related to an OSHEE contract?
You can search for OSHEE invoices using the contract number, which is located on one of the paid invoices.
How to search for UK invoices?
You can search for UK invoices using the contract number, which is located on one of the paid invoices.
How to search for Vodafone invoices?
- To request Vodafone invoices, you need to provide the phone number and the name of the individual who signed the contract.
- If the contract includes two or more Vodafone numbers, we suggest using the customer registration number, which can be found on one of the paid invoices or in the My Vodafone app.
Why was I refunded after making the utility payment?
If the payment has been made but we haven’t received a final confirmation from the utility company, we will issue a full refund.
Why is the invoice still displayed as unpaid in My Vodafone after making the monthly payment?
The My Vodafone app may take some time to update paid bills, but if the payment was successful and you received a confirmation SMS from Vodafone, the payment is complete.
I paid the invoice for one of the Vodafone contract numbers, yet it still shows as an unpaid e-bill.
Since Vodafone prioritizes late payments, the payment you made might have been applied to a previous unpaid invoice for one of the other numbers on your contract.
In this case, we recommend searching with the customer registration number, which can be found on one of the paid invoices or in the My Vodafone app.
Another possibility is that you may have multiple contracts under the same name. That’s why Vodafone automatically applies your payment to the oldest unpaid invoice on your account.
Are there any utility payment commissions?
There are no additional fees for utility payments, except in cases involving fines or late payment interest. In such instances, the following fees will apply:
- For individual customers, a 30 lek commission will be applied after the third fine, regardless of the vehicle’s license plate, within the same calendar month.
- For business customers, a 30 lek commission will be applied to each fine, regardless of the vehicle’s license plate.
I received a fine of 1000 lek, but a smaller amount is shown in the app. Why?
As per the changes in the road code since 2023, any fine paid within 15 days is reduced by 50% of its original value.
While scrolling, I get a message, “The connection to the service cannot be completed.”?
This could happen for one of the following reasons:
- You do not have a stable internet connection.
- One of the utility payment servers is not reachable.
- One of the utility company’s servers is not accessible.
We suggest you make sure you have a stable connection and try again. If you are still unable to connect, please contact with your data.
I just made a payment for one of my OSHEE bills, but when I try to make a second payment, it doesn’t allow me. Why?
When you make a payment, it takes a maximum of 60 seconds to confirm the transfer with OSHEE before you can proceed with other payments.
V. Cards
How do I get equipped with a Pago card?
- To obtain the Pago card, you need to have an active account and a minimum balance of 1000 lek.
- To apply for the card, click the “Pay Card” button at the bottom right of the screen.
- Fill in your details, confirm the information, and we will notify you as soon as your card is ready.
Note: If the card is not collected within 180 calendar days after notification, your card will automatically become invalid.
How much does it cost, and what are the commissions?
The card costs 1000 lek for people over 23 years old and 800 lek for persons 18-23 years old.
The commissions are as follows:
- Cash withdrawals at Pago network ATMs are free for up to three withdrawals per calendar month.
- For the fourth CASH withdrawal and any additional withdrawals in that month, a fee of 50 lek will be charged for each withdrawal.
- For cash withdrawals at non-Pago network ATMs within the country, the fee is 100 lek for personal debit cards and 160 lek for business debit cards
Purchase commissions:
- Purchase at Pago Network POS—free of charge.
- Purchase at a non-Pago Network POS within the country—free of charge.
- Purchases at non-Pago Network POS abroad—free of charge.
- Online shopping is free of charge.
What are the usage limits of the card?
- ATM withdrawal limit: 70,000 lek in 24 hours.
- The maximum daily limit of POS usage is 200,000 lek.
- The maximum daily limit for online internet purchasing is 150,000 lek.
Are there any limitations to transactions for individuals and businesses?
- Maximum daily account credit value: 200,000 ALL
- The limit of the number of daily transactions: 50
- Maximum monthly account credit value: 1,000,000 ALL
- Limit on the number of monthly transactions: 500
- Maximum annual value of all actions: 5,000,000 ALL
- Minimum value for an account top-up: 5,000 ALL
- Maximum daily recharge value: 200,000 ALL
- Maximum daily withdrawal amount: 200,000 ALL
- Maximum daily account credit value: 1,000,000 ALL
- The limit of the number of daily transactions: 100
- Maximum monthly account credit value: 5,000,000 ALL
- Limit on the number of monthly transactions: 1000
- Maximum annual value of all actions: 10,000,000 ALL
- Minimum value for an account top-up: 10,000 lek
- Maximum daily recharge value: 1,000,000 ALL
- Maximum daily withdrawal amount: 1,000,000 ALL
Note: The above values are not exclusive. If an individual or business customer wishes to carry out transactions that exceed these limits, they can do so, but it may be necessary or required to present additional documents to justify the funds used for the account top-up or the intended purpose of use.
These documents will be sent electronically or physically according to the client’s wishes, for which the client is responsible for their authenticity (in case of fraud, criminal responsibility falls on the client). After reviewing the documentation by the risk management department, the client will be notified of the continuation of the business relationship.
Can I increase the usage limits of the card?
In special cases, spending limits can be increased, but in such instances, additional documents regarding the source of funds will be required in advance. For any inquiries, contact us at with your details and the limits you wish to change.
Can I use the card for online purchases?
The card can be used in online shopping for a large number of product portals, with the exception of certain categories (e.g., adult sites, etc.).
Can I withdraw money from any ATM, and what are the commissions?
Funds can be withdrawn from any ATM that accepts MasterCard (ATMs typically display a distinctive logo). For more details, see the fees listed above.
What is the purpose of the questionnaire?
The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine your expected level of card spending.
I ordered the card X days ago, but I still haven’t received the confirmation.
We will try to process your card issuance request within the same day, but since each request goes through additional approval steps by Mastercard and the processor, this process may take some time.
In some cases, the request may not be processed or may be rejected for specific reasons. Whatever the case, please contact us at with your details and the date you applied for the card.
I ordered the card, but I don’t see my details in the app.
The card data is displayed in the application only after the card is activated. The card is activated only after you physically withdraw it.
Can you mail the card?
Card mail delivery is not possible. This is because a contract must be signed between the parties, and then you receive the physical card. For this reason, we need your physical presence near our offices.
I’m trying to make a wireless (contactless) purchase, but it’s not working.
To activate chipless, contactless purchases, you must perform at least one action with Chip and PIN. This action can be done at an ATM or a POS. If it is not activated again, please contact us at with your data and information.
I’m trying to make an online purchase, but it won’t let me.
The card can be used in online purchases for a large part of product portals, with the exception of certain categories (e.g., adult sites, etc.).
- Make sure you have enough balance on your card.
- Make sure that your card and account are active.
Or contact us at with your data and the details of the failed transaction.
I’m trying to make an online purchase, but it’s asking for a one-time-use code (OTP), which I can’t get.
First, ensure that the number you registered with on Pago is active. If you still do not receive the one-time password (OTP), contact us at with your details and the failed transaction information.
I made an online card transaction that was later canceled, but I still haven’t received the refund in your system.
For some of the returned/canceled transactions, we receive notifications from Mastercard, usually after a time frame of 2-3 days. As a result, the refund is processed with a delay. In certain cases, when there is a change in value (e.g., for transactions made in euros, where the exchange rate differs from the original transaction), further reconciliation may be necessary. In any case, please contact us at with your details and the information regarding both the original and the refunded transaction.
Can I receive money from other people via a Pago card (e.g., Moneysend)?
You can receive money from other individuals using the transfer option via Mastercard. However, like any funds coming from third parties outside our system, every payment must go through a preliminary filter to determine the source of the funds and the reason for the transfer.
I have forgotten/lost the PIN of my card.
If you have forgotten or lost your PIN code, please contact with your data and the last 4 digits of the Pago card.
I tried to make a payment at the POS, but it didn’t work.
The card can be used for purchases at POS terminals wherever Mastercard cards are accepted. To ensure a smooth transaction, please make sure of the following in advance:
- You have enough balance on your card.
- Your card and account are active.
- The POS works and has an internet connection.
In any case, please contact us at with your data and the details of the failed transaction.
VII. Pago Bizness
What documents are needed to open a business account?
For PF (Physical Person) businesses:
- Historical extract of the Commercial Register issued by e-albania.
- Identification document for the legal representative and the beneficial owner (a copy of the identity card on both sides or a copy of the passport).
- Company registration certificate (NUIS/NIPT) issued by e-albania.
For LLCs (SHPK) and joint-stock companies (SHA), the following documents are required:
- Statute and Act of Establishment.
- Historical extract of the Commercial Register issued by e-albania.
- Identification document for the legal representative and beneficial owners owning more than 25% directly and indirectly of the company (one copy of ID card for each on both sides or copy of passport).
- Company registration certificate (NUIS/NIPT) issued by e-albania.
- Historical extract of the beneficial owner register from e-albania.
These documents are not exhaustive. It may be that additional documents are needed after reviewing the ones you already sent.
What are account commissions?
Monthly account commissions are 0.
What is the procedure for the POS device?
After registering as a Pago partner, send an email to with all your requests for the amount of POS you want and the desired location for each of the POS.
I want to process card payments on my portal.
After registering as a partner with Pago, send an email to with your requests for the quantity of VPOS, the URL for the website you will use, the platform where it will be, and the static IP of the website.
Which e-commerce platforms are supported by Pago?
Almost every platform that can be integrated or redirected (such as WHMC, WooCommerce, and other integrations). For businesses using Shopify, there is a plugin with an annual cost of 140 euros that enables this integration.
What is the process for integrating payments within the portal?
Create and submit a form that will send structured information (merchant & order details) to a MasterCard processor URL.
What is the procedure for equipping with VPOS?
After registering as a Pago partner, send an email to with your requests for the amount of VPOS, the URL of the website you will use, the platform where it will be, and the static IP of the website.
Can I make payments in euro?
Where can I access the data processed via POS/VPOS?
Through access to with the credentials given after the conclusion of the contract.
What are the commissions of POS/VPOS, and after how many days is the clearing of payments received for POS Pago?
Card Type |
Commission |
Domestic Card |
2.2% |
variable |
25 lek |
International Card | 2.4% |
variable |
25 lek |
Annual maintenance fee: 5000 lek/year
Return fee: 1000 lek/incident
Tariff of Inactivity: 3000 ALL/month
POS fee: 5000 lek/one-time
Pago VPOS e-Commerce
Refer to the table below:
Commission |
Pay/Fibank |
1.99% |
variable |
25 lek / 20 Cents |
Domestic Card |
2.69% |
variable |
25 lek / 20 Cents |
International Card | 2.99% |
variable |
25 lek / 20 Cents |
• Implementation fee: 100 euro
• Standard service fee: 240 euro/year
• Free signature service
• Card on File: free of charge
• Personalization of VPOS website: 50 euros/modification
• Closing/Modification POS: 25 euro
• Partial refund fee: 5 euro
• Collateral according to assessment
What are the commissions that are applied in cases where the business wants to transfer funds from Pago to other financial institutions?
Outgoing transfers within the Republic of Albania (AIPS and AECH) Transfers to First Investment Bank Albania are commission-free. |
Outgoing transfers in lek for amounts under 100,000 lek (AECH) |
With currency date the next day (1-day currency date) |
Free of charge |
Same-date currency (express) |
100 lek |
Outgoing transfers in lek for amounts between 100,000 and 1.5 million lek (AECH) |
With currency date the next day (1-day currency date) |
250 lek |
Same-date currency (express) |
500 lek |
Outgoing transfers in lek for amounts over 1.5 million lek (AIPS) |
Dated spot currency (2 days date-currency) |
450 lek |
With the same date-currency or with 1-day date-currency (Express) |
700 lek |
Outgoing transfers in euros within the Republic of Albania |
0.2% min. 6 euros – max. 50 euros |
Outgoing transfers in foreign currency (via SWIFT) outside the Republic of Albania |
With the same or next-day currency date (express or 1-day currency date) |
0.2% min. 20 euros–max. 250 euros |
Dated spot currency (2 days date-currency) |
0.15% min. 15 euros–max. 200 euros
VIII. Pago Plus (Pago+)
What is Pago+?
This application is designed as a product for children who have not yet reached the age of having a bank account but can be used by any member of the family.
Pago+ allows any user to Pago to be equipped with a second debit card, which can be handed over to the child for use. Through this card, you can replace cash for daily or monthly expenses, set spending limits, monitor transactions in real time, and send money for unexpected needs.
How does Pago + work?
Every active user who has a Pago debit card can apply for the primary card, and upon application, they are granted the option to order the Pago+ card, which is linked to a dedicated account.
- Each user is entitled to order up to two Pago+ cards. Pago+ cards are currently offered for free, until further notice.
- The Pago+ card is issued in the name of the primary account holder, who bears full responsibility for the transactions made with it, even when it is used by a child or other family members.
- The account holder is responsible for setting spending limits and monitoring the usage of the Pago+ card.
For more information about the product and how to activate it, visit our official website or contact our customer service team.
What are the benefits?
Pago+ is not just a simple payment app but also an educational tool designed to help you understand and manage your money.
With Pago+, even if you’re under 18, you’ll have access to a dedicated app that shows your expenses in real-time.
You’ll receive your own Pago+ card to make purchases anywhere once your parents open an account for you. Make transactions online and in stores, or withdraw money from available ATMs.
Are my money safe and protected?
For us, the safety and protection of your money is our top priority. If your parents want to learn more about this, we recommend visiting our FAQ page.
What happens when I turn 18?
When you turn 18, you can continue using your Pago+ account until your 19th birthday or until your card expires. We will not issue new Pago+ cards once you’ve reached the age of majority.
Once you turn 18, you can register for a personal Pago account, so you’ll be able to enjoy all the features and products we offer.
What happens if I lose my Pago+ card?
If you lose your card, you can immediately block it through the Pago+ app, or your parent can block the card using their app.
- If you find the card again, you can reactivate it without any issue.
- If it’s truly lost or stolen, you can report it within the app to cancel the card, and we will notify your parent so they can order a new one.
- For more information about the product and how to activate it, visit our official website or contact our customer service team.
IX. Safety
I want to change my password.
- Log in on the app.
- Go to ‘Configure.’
- Click ‘Security.’
- Change the password.
- Enter the current password and the desired password twice according to the password requirements and click confirm.
I forgot my password.
To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:
- Click the ‘I forgot my password’ button.
- You will receive a verification SMS with a corresponding code.
- Enter this code in the required field.
Enter the desired password twice according to the password prompts and confirm.
I want to change my PIN code.
To change the PIN code, follow the instructions below:
- Sign in to the app.
- Go to ‘Configure.’
- Click ‘Security.’
- Change code PIN.
- Enter the current code and then the desired code twice and confirm.
I forgot my PIN code.
To retrieve the PIN code, follow the instructions below:
- Sign in to the app.
- Go to ‘Configure.’
- Click ‘Security.’
- Change code PIN.
- Click the ‘Forgot PIN’ button.
- Enter the personal number as it appears on the ID document used for your Pago registration and confirm it.
- Enter the desired code twice and confirm.
I want to close my Pago account.
Send an email to with your details, and we will follow all the necessary legal steps to deactivate the account as soon as possible.
What is an identification document update? How is it performed?
Document update serves to place a new document in case of expiration of the existing document or its amendment.
Follow the instructions below:
- Sign in to the app.
- Go to ‘Configure.’
- Click on ‘Security.’
- Update your ID document.
Ensure that during this process, you have the physical identification document and sufficient lighting. Clean the camera lens of your cell phone and avoid any light reflections to ensure the document is clearly readable.
I want to change my phone number.
The phone number is a unique identifier for the individual; therefore, to make this change, send a request via email to
Include the new number you wish to change, your email address, your Pago account number, and the last four digits of your personal number.
I want to change my email address.
Please submit a request via email at
Add the new address you want to change, your phone number, your Pago account number, and the last 4 characters of your personal number.
My device has been lost/stolen
If your device/phone where you have downloaded the app Pago is lost or has been stolen, follow the steps below to secure your account.
As soon as you can, get a second phone from a friend or a relative and download Pago so you can access your account. Then follow one of the two solutions below
Change your PIN code on your Pago Account:
- Click your profile icon in the top left corner
- Click “Security.”
- Go to “Change PIN.”
- Follow the instructions given to you in the app
- Click “Confirm”
- Report any suspicious activity
- If you notice additional login attempts to your account, please contact us at or view your list of transactions and report any suspicious.
Note: If your phone has been lost or stolen, an additional step you can take to protect your Pago account is to immediately block your phone number with your mobile operator. This ensures that the person who has stolen your phone cannot change your Pago password using the SMS code sent to your number.
X. Other
Does Pago operate with Bitcoin?
No, Pago accounts operate only in lek and euro currencies. Currently, it is not possible to use cryptocurrencies.
Can I exchange money from lek to euro in the application?
So far, the currency exchange process is not functional due to operational procedures. Once this service is activated, you will be notified through the application.
What are the procedures in case of loss/theft or misuse of POS terminal(s)?
The merchant or business must contact the number located below the POS device and notify Rubicon via email if it detects/observes any abuse or fraud related to the intentional misuse of the POS terminals.